A tight-knit team comprising around one dozen employees, half of whom own shares in the company.


A London office and a Paris office, which interact daily and work closely together to ensure transparency, knowledge transfer and the effective sharing of information and ideas for every search assignment.

As part of our constant quest for excellence, we attach great importance to passing on and sharing knowledge and expertise among all members of our team.


Executive Assistant and Office Manager

Pascale Beyaert joined SEGALEN+ASSOCIES in January 2020, as Executive Assistant and Office Manager of the London office. Since December 2022, she also manages the Paris office.

She has spent most of her career at FedEx Belgium holding various positions in the Commercial department: Sales Coordinator, Inside Sales, Sales Executive. In 2015, she joined a dynamic SME, Spare Parts Services, active in the industrial pumps sector where she flourished in the multi-activities of sales, accounting, order taking, stock management and shipping. In 2018, she moved to London for personal reasons and discovered the sector of head hunting there, which she found fascinating.

With a bachelor’s degree in Executive Secretary as well as Marketing, Pascale Beyaert oversees the London and Paris offices for the day-to-day management, invoicing, accounting, personnel management, travel organization and seminars. She also participates in hunting missions for international clients and provides support in prospecting new missions.

Pascale enjoys reading, listening to music, fitness, skiing and sailing catamarans.

Zayn Bukhari


Zayn joined SEGALEN+ASSOCIES in November 2024 as an Associate. He graduated from SOAS University of London, having read History.

He has previous experience in executive search research, having helped place investment and operational professionals globally.

He focuses on research across a wide range of sectors and asset classes including private equity, private debt, growth, and institutional investors.

Outside of work, Zayn enjoys hiking.



Mariia has joined SEGALEN+ASSOCIES in September 2022 as an Executive Search Intern in the Paris office and she is now Associate. She graduated from Finance for the Master’s Degree at National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. During her studies, she did an exchange semester at Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), as well as an exchange year in France. After this, she decided to stay in Paris and joined SEGALEN+ASSOCIES.

She has an experience in Accounting Payables that she gained during the internship at Citibank. Then, Mariia joined Mazars as a Junior Accountant at Outsourced Accounting Services department. She acquired valuable knowledge in these companies. 

She works with a range of asset classes, including private equity, growth capital, infrastructure, and real estate. Her expertise spans various roles, including investment, investor relations and fundraising, senior advisors and operating partners, portfolio management within funds, as well as CFO and CHRO positions in corporate settings. Additionally, she is involved in the Board practice, providing support to the Partners.

Outside of work, Mariia is passionate about singing and even used to perform on a stage. She is practicing yoga on a daily basis and during summer holidays she loves hiking, as well as exploring new countries.



Emmanuel Dufour  joined SEGALEN+ASSOCIES in September 2021 as a Partner.

He works in particular for companies alongside families, managers and entrepreneurs or investment funds for their General, Financial and Human Resources Departments. He also covers the real estate and asset management sectors, and works with family offices, funds and investment banks.

He was previously Head of Human Resources for France and Corporate for Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, having previously managed at Group level, recruitment and relations with schools and universities for this property company, which he joined in 2008.

He previously spent 8 years in executive search in London and Paris including 4 years at Spencer Stuart in financial services and financial officers practices.

Emmanuel has been mentor at “Article 1”, a charity that acts to make that orientation and success for studies and professional insertion does not rely on social, economic and cultural origins. 

He graduated from Neoma Business School and Dublin City University ; he is as well a former Civilian Auditor at Ecole de Guerre.

He regularly practices sports (running, tennis, ski and cycling) with occasional competitions and has a particular interest in old cars.

Elisa d'Estienne du Bourguet


Elisa d’Estienne du Bourguet a rejoint SEGALEN+ASSOCIES en 2024 en tant qu’Associate. Elle est diplômée d’un Master en Finance de l’ESCP Business School, d’un Master en Finance de l’Université Paris Dauphine, ainsi que d’une licence en économie et gestion de l’Université Paris II.

Elle a commencé sa carrière chez Rothschild & Co, où elle a travaillé pendant plus de deux ans en tant qu’Analyste M&A au sein de l’équipe Global Advisory, regroupant les activités de M&A, de financement et d’Equity. Elle est intervenue sur différents mandats (sell-side, buy side) avec différents types de clients (sponsors, corporate) dans différents secteurs (immobilier, institutions financières, santé, infrastructure, matériaux de construction, business services, retail, etc.) Auparavant, elle a effectué plusieurs stages, notamment en M&A chez BNP Paribas CIB et Lazard, ainsi qu’en Private Equity chez Sparring Capital, acquérant ainsi une connaissance approfondie de l’écosystème financier.

Chez SEGALEN+ASSOCIES, Elisa contribue à la recherche et à l’exécution de mandats sur diverses classes d’actifs, notamment en Private Equity et en M&A. Elle intervient dans des recrutements pour des postes d’investisseurs, de Vice President à Partner, pour des sociétés d’investissement mondiales et paneuropéennes, ainsi que pour des postes de Direction Générale et Financière au sein d’entreprises familiales, cotées ou sous LBO. Elle est également active dans les missions de recrutement de Senior Advisors.

Dans son temps libre, Elisa est passionnée par le sport, notamment le pilates, le cycling et la course à pied. Elle s’intéresse également à la gastronomie et aux voyages.



Djamal Moussaoui is London based and joined SEGALEN+ASSOCIES in 2013 . He focuses on Non-Executive Bord Members (NED) and Senior Advisors roles for Investment Funds.

He has spent over 20 years in Investment Banking and Private Equity and has been a board member of several large businesses. Djamal believes in long term, trust-based relationships and bringing a global perspective to his work with clients.

He spent several years as a Managing Director with Merrill Lynch Global Private Equity, the principal investment arm of Merrill Lynch, which is now part of Bank of America. Prior to this Djamal was an investment banker in M&A with various firms, including Citigroup and Merrill Lynch.

A graduate of HEC Grande Ecole in Paris.

An avid reader, Djamal loves spin classes and is passionate about investing.



Thomas Jepsen est co-fondateur et Associé de Renovata & Company. Avec plus de dix ans d’expérience dans la recherche de cadres dans les domaines du SaaS, des places de marché et du B2C en ligne. Il a guidé des entreprises B2B et B2C à travers l’Europe, les aidant à attirer des talents qui changent la donne et qui forment les bases de leur succès.

Il travaille principalement avec les conseils d’administration (fondateurs et investisseurs) d’entreprises en forte croissance afin d’attirer les talents qui leur permettront de se développer.

Auparavant, il a travaillé pour un cabinet de recherche spécialisé dans les TMT qui a fait son entrée en bourse et a fusionné avec Datacash, une société de paiement sur Internet, et pour Renoir Partners, qui a été racheté par un cabinet de recherche international.

Il est titulaire d’une licence en économie de la London School of Economics.



Mannie Gill est Associé et cofondateur de Renovata & Company. Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience, il se concentre sur la recherche de conseils d’administration et de cadres dirigeants pour des sociétés de portefeuille de capital-investissement aux États-Unis et en Europe. Il possède une expertise dans les domaines de l’Internet grand public, du SaaS et de l’ad/mar-tech. De plus, il travaille avec des entreprises cotées sur leurs projets de transformation numérique.

Mannie a débuté sa carrière dans le recrutement de cadres chez Renoir Partners, un cabinet de recherche spécialisé dans les TMT en Europe, et a ensuite été un membre important de la pratique TMT chez CT Partners. Il a passé le début de sa carrière dans le conseil, accompagnant des clients dans le domaine des télécommunications et de la technologie.


Principal & Equity Partner

Jeanne Segalen is Principal and Equity Partner in the Paris office. She joined SEGALEN+ASSOCIES in 2017 in London, after a few experiences including strategy consulting at Rise Conseil and in law firms at August & Debouzy and Reinhart Marville Torre.

Graduate of emlyon business school and University Paris X, She holds a Master of Entrepreneurship and Master of Business Laws.

Jeanne has a primary focus on private equity, investment and corporate development

She concentrates on working with private equity funds to build and develop their investment teams. She recruits investment professionals, operating partners, and senior advisors across all asset classes including LBO, venture and growth capital, private debt and infrastructure. 

She also participates in the placement of C-level professionals for portfolio companies, listed and family owned businesses. She supports Partners in the Board practice as well.

In her spare time, Jeanne is passionate about sports and music. She is a keen skier, a boxer and former horseback riding competitor. She is also keen on literature and arts.  


Assistante de Direction et Project Manager

Anna a rejoint SEGALEN + ASSOCIÉS en décembre 2022 en tant qu’Assistante de direction et Project Manager au bureau de Paris.

Elle coordonne la gestion administrative de différentes missions, aussi bien à Paris, qu’à Londres, et travaille en binôme avec l’Office Manager basée à l’étranger. Elle participe également à l’organisation des séminaires annuels d’équipe.

Anna a fait ses études dans le tourisme et dans la médiation culturelle. Diplômée d’un Master 2 Pro de « Conduite de Projets culturels, connaissance des publics » elle a organisé et géré des évènements culturels. Forte de son expérience et de ses compétences linguistiques (trilingue) Anna est recrutée dans un grand groupe américain en tant que consultante en Mobilité Internationale et a évolué dans différents départements.

Après ses 10 années d’expérience, elle intègre le cabinet SEGALEN + ASSOCIES.

Par ailleurs, Anna est secouriste bénévole au sein de l’association de la Protection Civile.

Passionnée par l’art et la culture dès son plus jeune âge, elle participe à des représentations de théâtre et de danse-théâtre dans différents pays.

La nature et le sport font partie intégrante de son univers. Elle pratique la marche, le vélo, le ski, et aime découvrir des nouvelles activités.



Diane Segalen founded SEGALEN+ASSOCIES in September 2011 to serve entrepreneurs, family offices, corporates and funds with total independence and integrity. Diane started her career in investment banking in NY and Paris, then as an investor in Growth capital as part of Compagnie de Presbourg, a listed investment fund. 

Diane transitioned to Executive search in 1992 in NY and since then has enjoyed her professional life tremendously.

She was trained in a very structured manner thanks to Heidrick rigorous methodology. She had an entrepreneurial experience at CT Partners, where she launched the European businesses (Paris, London, Geneva) in 2005 and grew the company all the way to the IPO on the Nasdaq in 2010. She decided to launch SEGALEN+ASSOCIES to go back to her consulting practice and be close clients and candidates.

For the past 13 years Diane had the chance to serve long term clients and discover new groups. She is always eager to learn and deliver a high-quality solution.  

Diane is active in Board and Non-Executives searches, as well as CEO/CFO of LBO backed and listed companies. Diane is increasingly working on Board and C-Suite management team assessment.

Diane graduated from a Magister in business law and taxation from University Paris Assas and a YMP from INSEAD.

Diane is a long-distance open water swimmer, a slow but steady touring skier, and an active supporter of charities (HKIEurope, LP4Y and Recherche Médicale).


Head of Executive Assessment

Cécile Vignial joined the Paris office of SEGALEN+ASSOCIES in 2019. She was previously an economist at the OECD’s Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, where she was a Principal Administrator for ten years and then Senior Advisor. She has led numerous projects on insurance and on the assessment and coverage of catastrophic and emerging risks, working alongside leaders in the insurance and risk management industries.

At SEGALEN+ASSOCIES, Cécile mainly assists funds in their search for talent in private equity, from venture to LBO, as well as in private debt, infrastructure or fund of funds. She follows the development of impact investing with particular interest.

Cécile loves kitesurfing and ski touring. She is a graduate of Sciences-Po Paris and the London School of Economics.  

(Galatry) Tourneret

Principal & Associée

Emma a rejoint SEGALEN+ASSOCIES en avril 2020 et est désormais Principal et Membre Associé au bureau de Londres. Elle a auparavant travaillé au sein d’un cabinet de recrutement basé à Londres, où elle accompagnait des fonds de private equity pan-européens sur des mandats de chargé d’affaires au Royaume-Uni, en Scandinavie et en France.

Chez SEGALEN+ASSOCIES, Emma mène des mandats principalement au Royaume-Uni et en France. Elle travaille sur diverses classes d’actifs – essentiellement le capital-investissement, le capital-développement, la dette privée et l’infrastructure, et types de rôles – focalisée sur l’investissement, les relations investisseurs/levées de fonds, les senior advisors/operating partners et  la gestion de portefeuille dans les fonds et certains rôles dans les directions financières en entreprises. Elle fait également partie de l’équipe dédiée aux mandats d’administrateurs en support aux Partners.

Emma est franco-danoise, trilingue en anglais, français, et danois. Elle est diplômée d’un Master en Management International et Stratégie de la Nova Business School and Economics de Lisbonne. Elle aime la danse classique qu’elle a pratiqué pendant 14 ans.